Dr. Sheikh is a highly-trained and well experienced headache specialist who provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to the diagnosis and management of chronic headaches.
In addition to migraine, she is highly experienced in the treatment of other headache and facial pain disorders, including cluster, hemicrania and trigeminal neuralgia.
Dr. Sheikh takes pride in being knowledgeable about the latest evidence-based medications as well as incorporating the latest in herbal and complementary lifestyle approaches to managing headaches.
Services include a one time comprehensive consultation for diagnosis as well as on-going management, education and support for chronic headaches.

Dr. Sheikh has extensive training in headache and facial pain.
She completed medical school at UMDNJ- Rutgers Medical School. She then completed a Neurology residency at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx NY as well as a Vascular (Stroke) Fellowship.
She then completed a fellowship in "Headache and Facial Pain," from Brigham and Women's Hospital- Harvard Medical School. She then joined Mt Sinai Hospital-NYC where she is still an Assistant Professor.
She now has over 10 years of clinical experience treating complex headaches.
She is involved with the American Headache Society (AHS), as the co-chair of the "Women's Issues," and previously founded the "Migraine and Vascular Disorders" section at the AHS.
She is educated in the latest medications for headaches, taking a holistic approach, incorporating evidence-based medications as the latest complementary treatments.